Congratulations to Kevin Kain, “Researcher Spotlight” for the New York Public Library
This profile is part of a series of interviews chronicling the experiences of researchers who use The New York Public Library’s collections for the development of their work.
Kevin M. Kain is a Teaching Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay where he serves in the Humanities, History and Global Studies Faculties. His primary research interests include Russian religious, political, artistic, and book cultures in the long 17th century and early Soviet period. His work in the early modern period focuses on the conception of Muscovy/Russia as “New Jerusalem” and the schism of the Russian Orthodox Church. Kain’s research in the modern period considers US-Soviet printed materials exchanges in the 1920s-1930s, especially those involving NYPL [1], and the current project on early Soviet anti-religious propaganda. He has recently co-edited (with David Goldfrank) Russia’s Early Modern Orthodox Patriarchate in 2 vols. 1. Foundations and Mitred Royalty, 1589-1647, and 2. Apogee and Finale, 1648-1721 (Washington: Academia, 2020). During his recent trip to New York, he spent most of his time working at NYPL.
This is the research Prof. Main conducted at the Library in May under the auspices of a UW-Green Bay Research Booster Grant.
Read the full article here.