Video: Featuring the UW-Green Bay helping professions
You’ve always enjoyed healing, teaching, or helping people. At UW-Green Bay, students and professors with a passion for helping transform learning into action to make the world a better place.
Video Transcript: I like helping people. UW-Green Bay gives me unique opportunities to develop my talents, to take caring to the next level. It’s called “being in the field”—getting experience and learning outside the classroom. Like administering vaccinations on the front line of the pandemic. Teaching kindergarteners to explore nature in their outdoor classrooms at the Wildlife Sanctuary. Empowering people in need to gain life and work skills at the Riverview Gardens community supported farms. For me, ”in the field” means working at a summer camp for grieving children. I am helping kids that need some time just to be kids again. We’re applying what we’re learning in our classes to make a difference in people’s lives today. UW-Green Bay has unlocked career paths for me, so I can live my passion for helping others.
If you know of a student who is interested in the helping professions, allow our admissions counselors to help!