Photo gallery: Destination Imagination
On Saturday, April 13, UW-Green Bay hosted the 2019 Destination Imagination Wisconsin Affiliate Tournament, welcoming about 300 teams, their families and teachers from 10 regions, to campus. Congratulations to Continuing Education and Community Engagement and all the volunteers for being welcoming hosts to about 3,500 guests!
Jason Mathwig, director of camps and conferences, said overall the first-ever DI state tournament here was a success.
“Both the organizers and families had great things to say all day long. I would say that the number one thing we heard was how awesome it was to see all of the UW-Green Bay volunteers/students in the green shirts around campus both outside and inside. They were not only helpful but friendly and welcoming. This goes to show how important it will continue to be to get volunteers for this event. Organizers were extremely happy with the day.”
Click to advance slideshow view or view the album on Flickr.
– Photos by Liesl Sigourney, Marketing and University Communications