Daily Archive: July 24, 2017

It’s a special summertime Phoenix Friday

It’s a special summertime Phoenix Friday

It’s a great week to be a Phoenix! On Friday, July 28, in what has become an annual event — Phoenix fans, friends, faculty and staff and alumni infuse Fridays on the Fox with...

Transforming students into ‘citizen scientists’

Transforming students into ‘citizen scientists’

Here’s an interesting outdoor, family-friendly event. It’s called “Aquatic Invasive Species (AIC) Snapshot Day,” Saturday, August 5. Kids and adults alike will be transformed into citizen scientists by learning to identify, search, and report...

Convocation: Save the Date, August 23

Convocation: Save the Date, August 23

Fall Convocation will begin at 10 a.m. Wednesday, August 23 in the Phoenix Rooms of the University Union. Among the highlights, new named professorships will be announced this year. The traditional ice cream social...

Reminder: Seeking your HLC comments

Reminder: Seeking your HLC comments

UW-Green Bay is seeking comments from the public about the University in preparation for its periodic (10 year) evaluation by its regional accrediting agency, the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). The public is invited to...