Tagged: Employee Appreciation Week

Employee Appreciation on Phoenix Friday

Employee Appreciation on Phoenix Friday

Every Friday is Phoenix Friday and Friday, May 6 is the special 50 and Forward Celebration and fireworks. The Phoenix Bookstore is hosting a sale — 20% off apparel. Playing at Cheapseats is the action movie...

Remaining Employee Appreciation Activities

Remaining Employee Appreciation Activities

As Employee Appreciation Week continues, comes confirmation that a friendly rivalry will be taking place beginning at 12:15 p.m. during Thursday’s Team Building Activities: It will be Chancellor (Miller) vs. Vice-Chancellors (Clif Ganyard and Sheryl VanGruensven)...

Employee Appreciation Week Activities

Employee Appreciation Week Activities

The list is growing by the day. Your peers put together a week of activities to leave no doubt that you are appreciated. Enjoy the weeks’ activities. Among them: Complete the survey by Noon...