UW-Green Bay to offer High School Summer Art Studio Camp, beginning June 22

In its 56th summer, the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay once again is offering its Summer Art Studio camp for high school students.

Students entering grades 8 through 12 can sign up online for the summer art camp, held June 22-27 at UW-Green Bay, 2420 Nicolet Drive. For registration and other information, visit www.uwgb.edu/camps/art/highSchoolArt.

Attendees will be taught by some of the best teachers and professional artists from Wisconsin and the Midwest. They will study in a variety of class offerings, including:

Photography in Black and White — With artist instructor Lindsey Przybylski, students will learn all aspects of the fine art of black and white 35 mm photography. Instruction will include an array of methods and attendees will learn how to take studio and outside shots and use dramatic lighting effects.

Fashion Design — Students will create their own patterns and hand- and machine-sew them, fashioning completely original haute couture. Campers will get the chance to show off their new inventions during a public fashion show. Instructors are Ahliah Brazeau and Nina Perkins.

Abstract Exploration with Acrylics — Creativity, exploration and a fun and friendly environment await as students learn to explore beyond normal boundaries. From Super-Realism to Non-Objective, our subject matter will be as vast as the artist’s ambitions, and take us to a world of limitless possibilities. Instructor is Cristian Andersson.

Computer Animation — Students will learn traditional animation theory, principles and techniques and apply them through the powerful Flash computer software. Each camper will explore character development, invent a storyline and create cartoon animated shorts. Led by instructor Tom Wallestad.

Drawing Self-Portraits — Campers will use simple drawing materials to explore diverse approaches to making self-portraits. Some projects will include large-scale drawings, memory drawings and alterego self-portrait drawings. Instructor is UW-Green Bay faculty member Kristy Deetz.

Metals: The Fine Art of Jewelry and Small Sculpture — Students will design and create jewelry and small sculpture works under the masterful eye of instructor Travis Lewis. Class will feature the basics of metalworking — piercing, forming, forging and soldering — while working with brass, bronze, silver and nickel.

Ceramics: Using the Potter’s Wheel and Advanced Hand-Building Techniques in Raku Firing — With instructor Dean Hoegger, students will create advanced forms — such as lidded vessels, section pots and altered wheel-thrown pieces — as they learn the wheel-throwing process. They will also use new hand-building methods to create larger pots and sculptural forms. Raku firing, the use of fire and smoke, will achieve dramatic glazing effects.

Watercolor Painting: Working with instructor Dawn Flores, campers will learn brush control and basic wash techniques while gaining an expert understanding of color theory. By experimenting and working on finished paintings, they will learn how to play with watercolor and spontaneously respond to the painting process.

Street Art: Students will explore the methods and history of Street Art with instructor Brian Knowles. Using processes and techniques from the street art/graffiti movement, students will create and exchange stickers, stencils and posters. A temporary wall will be built and used as a collaborative mural/postering project to be covered in camper work. Demonstrations will be given on street art practices like wheatpasting, multilayer stenciling and aerosol painting.

The director for the High School Summer Art Studio Camp is professional artist and teacher Carrie Fonder. A listing of all camp instructors, with course descriptions and more about the instructional staff, can be found online at www.uwgb.edu/camps/art/highSchoolArt.

Classes will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday, June 22-26; and 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday June 27, with the Final Exhibition Show being held from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. on that day.

Students may attend the camp as commuters or live in student housing on the UW-Green Bay campus. Camp fees are $279 for commuters, which includes lunch, and $559 for residents. In addition to instruction, the residential fee includes room and board, counselor supervision on activities and overnight, and transportation to evening activities.

Camp information and registration are available online at www.uwgb.edu/camps/art/highSchoolArt. Information also is available by phone at (920) 465-2775 or via email at summercamps@uwgb.edu.


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