Photo gallery: 47th annual Juried Student Art Exhibition

The 47th Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition at the Lawton Gallery runs through Dec. 12, 2019. This exhibition features artwork submitted by UW-Green Bay enrolled students and is juried by Professor Emeritus Carol Emmons. For the 47th year, the Lawton Gallery is showcasing the talented art and design students of UW-Green Bay and will provide $1,000 in awards. All Lawton Gallery events are free and open to the public.
Congratulations to these students on their awards:
Savannah Mikle, Kress Award for Excellence in 2D
Tommy Mlodzik, Kress Award for Excellence in 3D and Contemporary Ceramic’s Award
Libby Gill, Lawton Award for Excellence in 2D and Northeast Wisconsin Watercolor Society Award
Lindsey Beseler, Lawton Award for Excellence in 3D and The Provost’s Award
Katie Bauer, Chancellor’s Award, the Contemporary Painting Award, and the Business Entrepreneurship Award
Kassie Corroy, College of Science, Technology and Engineering Purchase Award, Excellence in Printmaking Award
Brittany Meyer, College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Purchase Award
Andrea Cornett, College of Education, Health, and Social Welfare Purchase Award and Contemporary Textiles Award
Beth Schauffner, Business Entrepreneurship Award
Lydia Delikat Mitchell, Business Entrepreneurship Award
Asavir Nadeem, Contemporary Drawing Award and Union Purchase Award
Zeyu Yan, Contemporary Craft Award
Charity Meier, Northeast Wisconsin Watercolor Society Award
Molly Gwitt, Northeast Wisconsin Watercolor Society Award and Contemporary Woodworking Award
Ya-Ching Kuo, Art and Visual Design Purchase Award and Design Award for Excellence
Logan Maedke, Design Award for Excellence
Click to advance slideshow or view the album on Flickr.
– Photos by Sue Pischke, Marketing and University Communication