Tagged: UW-Madison

NAS Seminar set for Friday, Nov. 9

NAS Seminar set for Friday, Nov. 9

Christine Anhalt-Depies, from the Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology at UW-Madison, will give the next NAS Seminar on Friday, Nov. 9, 2018. Her topic is “Citizen science: A case of collaboration with the public...

NAS Seminar series continues on Friday, Oct. 12

NAS Seminar series continues on Friday, Oct. 12

Francisco Arriaga, assistant professor of soil science at UW-Madison, will continue the NAS seminar series on Friday, Oct. 12, 2018 with the topic “Soil management in agroecosystems: The picture is not always clear.” The seminar...

Alumnus Kober says UW-Green Bay made big impact

Alumnus Kober says UW-Green Bay made big impact

If elected lieutenant governor, Democrat and Kurt Kober ’01 (Business Administration)  pledges to make public education his number one priority. In his TV advertisement, Kober discusses the importance of education in his life, and...

End of an era: No campus daily at UW-Madison

End of an era: No campus daily at UW-Madison

The Daily Cardinal plans to cut production of its print edition to two days per week, leaving UW-Madison without a daily student newspaper only a few years after the campus had two of them...