Tagged: Urban and Regional Studies
Brown County Leaders are discussing what to do with waterfront property from Bay Beach to the Marina, including the 55-acre Renard Island. Students in Prof. Marcelo Cruz’s course, Special Topics: Course in Urban and...
Associate Prof. Marcelo Cruz (Urban and Regional Studies) will present his research on Indigenous Community Planning in Ecuadorian Amazon from 4 to 5 p.m. April 13, 2017 in the University Union Phoenix Room C. The...
Associate Professor (Urban and Regional Studies) Marcelo Cruz shared these photos of the 16 students he led on a January 2016 winter interim trip to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. They studied the geographic...
Ismail Shariff, Professor Emeritus of Urban and Regional Studies, has published a book titled “Macroeconomics: Basic Concepts and Principles for the High School Curriculum.” Printed by CAT Publishing Inc., a subsidiary of W.W.Norton, the...
Students in the Urban and Regional Planning theory course taught by Prof. Marcelo Cruz traveled to the Calumet County village of Stockbridge Wednesday night to share with the Village Board ideas for the community’s...
Marcelo Cruz, associate professor of Urban and Regional Studies, is among the roundtable leaders today (Friday, Dec. 4) at the “New Approaches to Latin American Studies” conference hosted by the Center for Latin American...
Prof. Ray Hutchison (Sociology) will be presenting an overview of his recent (and continuing) research on tent graves of the Tennessee highlands at the Social Science Research Forum this Friday (Oct. 23) from 2:20...
Prof. Ray Hutchison of Sociology has been tagged to serve on the Scientific Committee for the next mid-term conference of the RN-37 research network of the European Sociological Association. “Moving cities: Contested views on...
Sociology Prof. Ray Hutchison (Urban and Regional Studies) recently returned from Chicago, where he presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association. His two papers: “The Right to Urban Theory: Henri Lefebvre...
Sociology Prof. Ray Hutchison of Urban and Regional Studies recently returned from Florence, Italy and the Everyday Life in the 21st Century City conference he organized for the Del Bianco Foundation. Hutchison presented one...