Tagged: Throwback Thursdays

Throwback Thursday: vintage uwgb

Throwback Thursday: vintage uwgb

The Archives and Area Research Center people have posted another ‘Throwback Thursday’ item of nostalgia at their Facebook site. It brings back the old lower-case uwgb logo from UW-Green Bay’s first few years of...

Throwback Thursdays pulls up a chair, 1970s style

Throwback Thursdays pulls up a chair, 1970s style

The thing is, these vintage chairs are either still in use at UW-Green Bay or only recently banished to a previous century. The Cofrin Library’s Area Research Center has posted a grooving group photo...

Throwback Thursday and Summer Session 1969

Throwback Thursday and Summer Session 1969

Call it the Summer of … Star Trek (?)  The Cofrin Library’s Area Research Center and University Archives office have a new entry in their ongoing “Throwback Thursdays” site. Since summer session 2013 started...

Throwback Thursdays: days of paper registration

Throwback Thursdays: days of paper registration

Last week, our friends in Archives and the Area Research Center generated a lot of traffic to their Facebook site with their first ever “Throwback Thursdays” posting. They pulled some photos out of storage...