Tagged: spring commencement

Digging Kayla

Kayla Lass is the featured student speaker at the 2 p.m. commencement ceremony on May 13, 2023. Kayla Lass has always been a ‘libero’ at UW-Green Bay and proud of it. For those not...

Volunteers needed for Spring Commencement

Volunteers needed for Spring Commencement

Dear UW-Green Bay Community, We are in search of volunteers for this upcoming Spring/Summer Commencement which will happen on Saturday, May 13, 2023. There will be a morning and afternoon ceremony the morning ceremony starting...

More Commencement: Happy Grads

More Commencement: Happy Grads

Student Evan (Engineering) provided an extra benefit for graduating students this spring, outdoor portraits. About 20 students participated. You can see them on flickr.