Tagged: Secretary of the Faculty and Staff
Wisconsin Public Radio’s Larry Meiller Show addressed the inspiring efforts to preserve the Oneida language in Wisconsin during its Monday morning (Oct. 22) edition. UW-Green Bay Prof. Clifford Abbott and tribal historian Loretta Metoxen...
The Secretary of the Faculty and Academic Staff, Prof. Cliff Abbott, will review the rules, expectations, people, committees and strategies involved in all the performance evaluations that lead to tenure and beyond. The CATL-sponsored...
The Secretary of the Faculty and Academic Staff, Prof. Cliff Abbott, will present a session on the rules, expectations, people, committees and strategies involved in all the performance evaluations that lead to tenure and...
An Academic Staff Assembly is scheduled for 3 to 4:30 p.m. this Thursday (April 26) in the Union’s 1965. All Academic Staff members are invited to attend. A full agenda will be posted soon,...
The Academic Staff Professional Development Allocations Committee announces it has monies available to assist academic staff in attending professional development meetings and programs. Funding is available for up to 50% of the total cost,...
The Secretary of the Faculty and Academic Staff, Prof. Cliff Abbott, will be the presenter from 2:15 to 3:45 p.m. next Friday (Nov. 4) in the Vista Room, MAC Hall 301. The session will...