Tagged: Social Change and Development

A changing of the SC&D guard

A changing of the SC&D guard

While we’re on the subject of retirements, we also note that Social Change and Development will be marking the retirements of professors Larry Smith (39 years), Craig Lockard (34 years), and Lynn Walter (33...

Palin’s no Paine: Kaye

Palin’s no Paine: Kaye

In Sarah Palin’s just released memoir Going Rogue she makes a point to give an Alaskan bear hug to the radical firebrand Thomas Paine. No so fast, says UW-Green Bay Social Change and Development...

Dale’s papers look at clickers in the classroom

Dale’s papers look at clickers in the classroom

UW-Green Bay Assistant Professor Timothy Dale (Social Change and Development) has co-authored two recently published papers that examine the use of interactive technology — specifically ‘clickers’ — in the classroom. “Clicking from College to...