Tagged: presentation

Reminder: Program on ‘Humor Leadership’

Reminder: Program on ‘Humor Leadership’

The Academic Staff Professional Development Programming Committee invites all members of the Academic Staff to a presentation on “Humor Leadership — Improving Productivity and Morale” by guest presenter Liysa Callsen on Thursday, Jan. 16,...

Faculty note: Yunsun Huh

Faculty note: Yunsun Huh

Assistant Prof. Yunsun Huh of Democracy and Justice Studies made two research presentations Nov. 23 at the Southern Economic Association Conference in Tampa, Fla. One was titled “Who Comes to the U.S. and What...

Faculty note: Dalke presents

Faculty note: Dalke presents

Lecturer Karen Dalke, Democracy and Justice Studies, recently returned from two conferences where she gave the following presentations: National Treasure — Nationalistic Representations of the Finnhorse Trotting Championships (with Ritta-Marja Leinonen), American Anthropological Association...