Tagged: presentation

Faculty note: Saxton-Ruiz paper

Faculty note: Saxton-Ruiz paper

Prof. Gabriel T. Saxton-Ruiz of Humanistic Studies and Spanish presented a paper over the weekend at the Altered States, Diverse Routes Interdisciplinary Conference in Latin American and Caribbean Studies held at Emory University in...

Reminder: Journey to Antarctica is Friday

Reminder: Journey to Antarctica is Friday

Relatively few people have visited Antarctica. Staff member Dan Schrickel, an instructional technologist with Academic Technology Services, was there only recently. His brown-bag talk and slide show is Friday (Jan. 25) at 11 a.m....

Faculty/staff note: Robinson presentations

Faculty/staff note: Robinson presentations

Shawn Robinson, an adviser with the American Intercultural Center, is the author of two different presentations to major conferences this fall. “Using empirical research to improve reading proficiency of African-American males with dyslexia” was...