Tagged: Political Science
GREEN BAY, WI (WTAQ) — They’ve become ubiquitous on Social Media in recent weeks: political advertisements from a group calling themselves “Open Democracy PAC”, endorsing a number of Green Bay Common Council Candidates. There’s...
Prof. Alise Coen (Political Science), will discuss the impact of migration and displacement on the world’s changing demographics in a Zoom presentation on April 6, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. It is free and open...
The student-led research is model for other colleges and universities It’s unusual for a professional, peer-reviewed journal to feature the work of undergraduate students, so the fact that 14 students in Aaron Weinschenk’s young...
The Web Acceleration Team and the Office of Marketing and University Communication continue to work diligently to get program websites up to speed and a vital web tool for prospective students. This week the...
Zea Miller credits the women around her as her biggest motivator to making a difference in her community. “I’ve had the opportunity to be part of a campus community that showcases so many strong...
UW-Green Bay Associate Prof. Alise Coen will interviewed on WPR’s Central Time around 3:30 p.m. this afternoon (March 28, 2022), for a segment about the Ukrainian refugee situation. See more at wpr.org.
UW-Green Bay Prof. Aaron Weinschenk (Ben J. and Joyce Rosenberg Professor, Political Science) recently had a peer-reviewed article accepted for publication in the journal Social Science Quarterly. The article is entitled “The Nationalization of School Superintendent Elections” and...
Prof. Aaron Weinschenk (Ben J. and Joyce Rosenberg Professor, Political Science) recently had a peer-reviewed article accepted for publication in the journal Personality and Individual Differences. The paper examines the heritablity of the five-factor...
A group of UW-Green Bay Political Science faculty plan to offer commentary and analysis on President Joe Biden’s State of the Union (SOTU) address, tonight. The group includes professors Nolan Bennett, Alise Coen, David...
UW-Green Bay Associate Professor Alise Coen (Political Science, Public & Environmental Affairs) presented her research on U.S. refugee policy as part of an invited international workshop on migration governance. The workshop was hosted virtually...