Tagged: Photos

Make a Difference Day volunteers

Photo gallery: UW-Green Bay Make a Difference Day

UW-Green Bay set out to make a difference and it certainly did, Friday, Oct. 25, 2019. Partnering with the Volunteer Center and many organizations on campus, about 250 students, staff and faculty donated a...

TOT Trot

Halloween hot spot? UW-Green Bay’s Tot Trot

UW-Green Bay’s Director of Residence Life, Gails Sims-Auburt, says that the Trick or Treat Tot Trot has grown to quite the following. The annual pre-Halloween event hosted 350 children and 265 parents/adult chaperones this...

20th Annual Retirees Banquet

Photos: The 2019 Retiree Association Annual Banquet

UW-Green Bay retirees and their guests gathered to celebrate the 20th Annual Retiree Association dinner on Wednesday, September 25, 2019, in the Phoenix Rooms, University Union. Festivities began with a social hour followed by...

2019 Retirees Golf Outing

Photos: Ninth annual Retirees Golf Outing

The ninth annual UW-Green Bay Retirees Golf Outing was held August 15, 2019, at Shorewood Golf Course. It was a fun day for 35 attendees who enjoyed a gorgeous day, followed by a buffet...