Tagged: Natural and Applied Sciences

Faculty note: Prof. Luczaj presentation

Faculty note: Prof. Luczaj presentation

Monday Nov. 12, 2018, Prof. John Luczaj (Geoscience) gave a one-hour presentation titled “Geologic Origin of Arsenic and Other Metals in Eastern Wisconsin Aquifers” at the local Fox River Valley Branch of the American...

Video: Restoring wild rice to the wetlands

Video: Restoring wild rice to the wetlands

Amy Carrozzino-Lyon is a UW-Green Bay research specialist with Natural and Applied Sciences. The wild rice planting is one of her many projects that support restoration efforts in the bay of Green Bay. In...

Call for nominations for named professorships

Call for nominations for named professorships

Nominations are now being accepted for the following named professorships: Philip J. and Elizabeth Hendrickson Professorship for Business Barbara Hauxhurst Cofrin Professorship of Natural Sciences Patricia Wood Baer Professorship in Education The deadline for...