Tagged: Natural and Applied Sciences

Seven earn promotion to full professor

Seven earn promotion to full professor

The UW System Regents also approved moving the following individuals from associate professor to the senior rank of full professor: Lucy Arendt, Business Administration Mathew Dornbush, Natural and Applied Sciences Susan Gallagher-Lepak, Nursing Catherine...

Miller appointment in NAS

Miller appointment in NAS

In approving the statewide slate of faculty promotions, the UW System Board of Regents took action Friday to ratify the concurrent appointment of Gary L. Miller — who joined UW-Green Bay as chancellor last...

Publication:  John Luczaj

Publication: John Luczaj

Prof. John Luczaj is the author of a comprehensive peer-reviewed article that discusses Wisconsin’s groundwater quality and quantity challenges. “Groundwater Quantity and Quality Issues in a Water-Rich Region: Examples from Wisconsin, USA” was published...

Meyer accepts reins to reign as SOFAS

Meyer accepts reins to reign as SOFAS

Prof. Steve Meyer of Natural and Applied Sciences has accepted appointment as UW-Green Bay Secretary of the Faculty and Staff, effective Aug. 24 for the start of the fall 2015 semester. He succeeds the...