Tagged: Modern Languages

Successful UN summit reported from May

Successful UN summit reported from May

On May 25, 2018, UW-Green Bay hosted the second Model UN summit for regional high schools (CESA 7 Region). 2018 EdSummit addressed the issue of human trafficking and included  about 20 high school teams...

Check out THE HUMAN(ITIES) OF GREEN BAY blog/website

Check out THE HUMAN(ITIES) OF GREEN BAY blog/website

Humanities faculty and students in Spanish 465 Language & Society class, supervised by Assistant Prof. Lorena Sainz-Maza Lecanda, developed THE HUMAN(ITIES) OF GREEN BAY blog/website, which seeks to give voice to the lives and...

Alumna Lasee receives prestigious Merit Award

Alumna Lasee receives prestigious Merit Award

Congratulations to UW-Green Bay alumna Melanie Lasee ’96 (German). Lasee received the prestigious state Wisconsin Association for Language Teachers Recognition of Merit Award for 2017, a statewide award presented annually to language teachers in the state, who have...