Tagged: Humanistic Studies
Historian Vince Lowery, an assistant professor of Humanistic Studies, has received the R.D.W. Connor Award for outstanding article in the North Carolina Historical Review published by the Historical Society of North Carolina. He earned...
Professor Cristina Ortiz of Spanish and Humanistic Studies was a presenter at the 4th International Literature Conference, held in the city of Medellin, Colombia. The title of her presentation was “More than dead bodies:...
Historian Kevin Kain of the Humanistic Studies faculty was an organizer of, and presenter at, an interdisciplinary and international conference Sept. 19 and 20 at the Centre for Area Studies at the University of...
Faculty author Rebecca Meacham, associate professor of Humanistic Studies, has two new flash fiction pieces (and a postcard) appearing in the online journal Wigleaf, which spotlights pieces of a thousand words or fewer. Additionally,...
An interview with Tara DaPra, associate lecturer in English Composition and Humanistic Studies, appears on the blog of the American Literary Review. The piece addresses her approach to writing and teaching and especially memoir...
UW-Green Bay students in Associate Professor Heidi Sherman’s (Humanistic Studies-Medieval History) History Capstone Course had a chance to relive the past with a visit to a longhouse recreated to replicate those of tenth-century Scandinavian...
There’s an open house for faculty and interested staff members at the newly updated Language Lab, Studio Arts Room 355. The open house will run from 2 to 3 p.m. this Friday (Sept. 20)....
The 2012-2013 UW-Green Bay Teaching Scholars will be sharing the results of their Scholarship of Teaching and Learning projects with the campus community Friday (Sept. 13) from 3:30 to 5 p.m., in MAC Hall...
Several faculty members from UW-Green Bay recently returned from a visit to the Universidad del Desarrollo in Santiago, Chile. The visit was hosted by Prof. Alex Godoy, who was a Visiting Scholar here during...
Fall 2013 programs in the Humanistic Studies unit’s Great Books Discussion Series begin at 6:30 p.m. next Tuesday (Sept. 10) with a presentation by UW-Green Bay visiting scholar Luisa Etxenike. Programs take place at...