Residence Life is seeking summer help
Please help spread the word. UWGB’s Office of Residence Life is hiring up to 45 students for summer in facilities custodial and maintenance positions. Students will earn $9.00 per hour, 40 hours per week...
Please help spread the word. UWGB’s Office of Residence Life is hiring up to 45 students for summer in facilities custodial and maintenance positions. Students will earn $9.00 per hour, 40 hours per week...
In the space of about three hours on a sun-splashed Thursday morning (Aug. 29), more than 600 new freshmen arrived at Residence Life to unpack family cars, trailers and trucks and fill their new...
In case you were wondering: Yes, the spectacular water-main break that sent millions of gallons of water geysering skyward at the intersection of Mason and Main last weekend did have an impact on the...
Residence Life has informed student residents that work is expected to begin this Thursday (Oct. 25) on development of a park-like area linking student housing to the University Union. A portion of the three-acre...
UW-Green Bay Housing and Residence Life is coordinating a ‘Spooktacular’ Halloween-themed event from noon-4 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 27 at the Kress Center. Held in conjunction with the national Make a Difference Day initiative, ‘Spooktacular’...
Green Bay-area children and their families are invited to attend a “Spooktacular” Halloween-themed event from noon-4 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 27 at the Kress Events Center at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. Organized by UW-Green...
We’re a week away from freshman move-in day, and it looks like another record year for on-campus housing. We told you last month that Residence Life is full for fall, with about 100 students...
With the beginning of fall semester 2012 a little more than one month away, the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay reports it is still accepting new-student applications and course registrations. Newcomers and late registrants hoping...
UW-Green Bay is one of three four-year UW schools where freshmen have a choice about whether to live on campus, according to an article in the Green Bay Press-Gazette. While UW-Milwaukee has looked into...
On behalf of the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, University Village Housing Inc. will break ground Friday (Nov. 20) on its newest residence hall – an $8 million apartment unit that will accommodate 126 students.