Tagged: environmental

Faculty note: Michael Kraft publication

Faculty note: Michael Kraft publication

UW-Green Bay Faculty Emeritus Michael Kraft (Environmental Policy and Planning, Political Science) announced a January release of his book, Environmental Policy, by CQ Press/Sage in its 10th edition. Kraft says he and his co-editor...

PEAC announced World Water Day program

PEAC announced World Water Day program

From 3:30 to 5 p.m. Tuesday, March 22 (World Water Day) Kimberlee Wright, Executive Director of Midwest Environmental Advocates (MEA), will speak about the Petition for Corrective Action, which questions the enforcement of the...

Reminder, tonight: iPat film ‘Wrenched’

Reminder, tonight: iPat film ‘Wrenched’

“Wrenched” explores deviant behavior as a mode of achieving environmental action. The iPat film will be shown at 7 p.m. Monday, March 7 in the Christie Theatre. Open to the public. Free admission and...

Midwest Environmental Education Conference

Midwest Environmental Education Conference

The Wisconsin Association for Environmental Education (WAEE) is preparing to host the Midwest Environmental Education Conference, a biennial regional gathering of environmental educators and others. The conference is Thursday through Saturday, Oct. 22-24, at...