Tagged: contest

Cartoon contest: What did the sandhill crane say to the turkey?

Got a great line for this cartoon? Send it in and win!

A little bird (specifically a cliff swallow) has told us there’s still time to enter UW-Green Bay’s first-ever cartoon caption contest. Submit your caption idea to Michael Shaw at shawm@uwgb.edu and three finalists will be chosen. Then...

Office of International Education photo contest winners

Office of International Education photo contest winners

UW-Green Bay’s Office of International Education has announced the winners in each category for its annual Study Abroad Photo Contest: People and Culture Libbie Gerondale | Bailarines | Cuernavaca, Mexico Buildings and Monuments (tie)...

Phoenix Innovation Park a WEDA award finalist

Phoenix Innovation Park a WEDA award finalist

The Phoenix Innovation Park is among the finalists for Wisconsin Economic Development Association’s (WEDA) Community & Economic Development Award. The winners will be announced at an event in Madison on Wednesday, Sept. 12. For...

Save the Date: Business Idea Competition

Save the Date: Business Idea Competition

Save the date Thursday, March 23 (4:30 to 6:30 p.m.) in Phoenix B, University Union for UW-Green Bay’s first Business Idea Competition. Students and faculty from all UWGB colleges are invited. Top entrants win...