Tagged: Center for First Nations Education

NBC26 reports on First Nations Doctorate

NBC26 reports on First Nations Doctorate

UW-Green Bay’s new First Nations doctoral program will launch in Fall 2018. It is also the first of its kind in the state. Associate Prof. Lisa Poupart (First Nation Studies) told NBC26, “Our first...

Reminder: Cruz Brown Bag discussion

Reminder: Cruz Brown Bag discussion

Associate Prof. Marcelo Cruz (Public and Environmental Administration) will present a brown bag discussion on his research in Tena, Ecuador and the impact for Indigenous scholarship at 4 p.m. Thursday, April 13, in Phoenix...

Reminder: Campus invited to visit with the Elders

Reminder: Campus invited to visit with the Elders

The opportunity to study with First Nations Elders as practiced in North America for thousands of years is a rare opportunity. The UWGB Professional Program in Education’s Center for First Nations Studies (Wood Hall...