Tagged: Academic Technology Services

‘All the Rage’ podcast trailer is up and ready

‘All the Rage’ podcast trailer is up and ready

The audio trailer for season two of “All the Rage” is now available. Focused exclusively on human trafficking, season two includes interviews with national experts on sex and labor trafficking, survivors, care providers, police...

Mediasite platform to sunset, content to be transitioned

Mediasite platform to sunset, content to be transitioned

Instructors may have noticed emails asking them to submit requests to have materials transferred from Mediasite. Please submit these requests at your earliest convenience. This is part of a transition process undertaken by the...

New phone? Change in 911 call

New phone? Change in 911 call

As Academic Technology Services is working rapidly to update the campus telephones (should be completed by the end of September), Public Safety reminds University personnel how to dial in an emergency: -If you have...

Next-generation learning exploration heading this way

Next-generation learning exploration heading this way

Members of the campus community are invited to participate in a virtual Educause Learning Initiative session on the topic of Next-Generation Digital Learning Environments. UW-System’s Office of Learning Technology has donated one group session...

Todd Dresser now an instructional designer

Todd Dresser now an instructional designer

News out of Academic Technology Services — beginning March 1 Todd Dresser is the new instructional designer. He worked previously as an instructional technologist in ATS. In his new role, he will assist faculty...

Technology Squaretable Presentation: Sherman and Konkol

Technology Squaretable Presentation: Sherman and Konkol

Professor Heidi Sherman and Luke Konkol will be presenting at this month’s Technology Squaretable from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 23 in Instructional Services 1004. They will discuss using digital tools in experiential...