‘After Thoughts’ program to feature Stangel, Phoenix basketball’s winning ways
The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay will continue its popular After Thoughts series of programs with a Tuesday, Nov. 13 presentation on collegiate athletics and the perennial success of Phoenix women’s basketball.

Jeanne Stangel
Stangel’s presentation will provide a broad-brush overview of intercollegiate athletics, along with a discussion of the national impact a successful sports team can have on a university’s athletic program, campus and larger community. She’ll apply that context to an assessment of the UW-Green Bay Phoenix women’s basketball team, a continually successful program that was ranked in the Top 10 nationally during the 2011-12 season. Stangel’s talk also will incorporate the team’s milestone 40th anniversary, being celebrated this season.
“The tale of women’s basketball at UW-Green Bay truly is a Cinderella story, rich in tradition and a source of national notoriety for campus and community alike,” Stangel said. “I’ll take the After Thoughts audience on a journey of historical facts and current impacts, from print and social media to the financial benefits of the team’s success. Attendees can expect a fun, interactive evening that showcases the truly singular nature of Phoenix women’s basketball.”
Stangel also will discuss how the team and its players exemplify UW-Green Bay’s new branding theme, 360° of Learning, as it relates to how the unique and multifaceted student experience comes full-circle on campus. She’ll offer a sneak preview of the launch of the new branding initiative, which will occur the next day, Wednesday, Nov. 14. And all After Thoughts attendees will be entered into a drawing for four free tickets to a UW-Green Bay women’s basketball game — three winners will be chosen at the conclusion of the program.
Designed to connect women in the community with UW-Green Bay, After Thoughts gatherings showcase faculty, staff and guests, and convene women after their workdays for learning, enrichment and fun. The sessions provide “After Thoughts” for participants to take with them when they leave. UW-Green Bay Associate Prof. Rebecca Meacham kicked off the 2012-13 After Thoughts season Oct. 1, with her talk, “Fiction’s Burning Questions: Novelists, History and the Creative Spark.” The series’ next program, featuring Heidi Fencl, UW-Green Bay assistant professor of Physics and Women’s and Gender Studies, will take place Tuesday, March 5, 2013. The final After Thoughts program of 2012-13 will feature Denise Bartell, associate professor of Human Development and Psychology, speaking on Tuesday, April 9, 2013.
Each After Thoughts session takes place from 5-7 p.m. in the Grand Foyer of the Weidner Center for the Performing Arts at UW-Green Bay, 2420 Nicolet Drive. The events begin with time to network, mingle and enjoy hors d’oeuvres before the featured speaker begins. Seating is limited, so advance registration is recommended. The cost of each program is $13, and attendees are invited to register for each event individually or all three remaining programs at once. To reserve your spot, send a check (payable to UW-Green Bay Foundation) to: UW-Green Bay Foundation, CL 805, 2420 Nicolet Drive, Green Bay, WI 54311; or register online at https://secure.qgiv.com/for/afterthoughts/. Walk-up registration also is an option. Call (920) 465-2074 for more information.
You can find After Thoughts on Facebook at www.facebook.com/afterthoughts.uwgb.