UW-Green Bay Outreach offers Hands-on Rocketry Camp June 23-26
Students entering grades 6 through 9 in fall 2013 can enroll now for the Hands-On Rocketry Camp, Sunday, June 23-Wednesday, June 26, at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, 2420 Nicolet Drive.
Join us for rocket building and the rocket science behind it, and learn about the existing and new initiatives with NASA and private space companies. Campers will explore careers that will be a part of the future of space exploration and learn how science and engineering can lead to these groundbreaking opportunities.
Course instructor Daniel W. Bateman, Executive Director from Spaceport Sheboygan, has been working with space museums and student camps for 20 years. Bateman managed the Future Astronaut Training Program before moving to Sheboygan to launch Spaceport Sheboygan. He is also the director of Rockets 4 Schools, a student rocketry competition that helps students learn more about the STEM fields of Science, Math, Engineering and Technology.
Visit the camp website, www.uwgb.edu/camps/science/rocketry for registration and faculty and staff updates.
Students can attend camp as commuters or as residents living in UW-Green Bay student housing. The camp fee is $279 for commuters. Resident students will pay $469, which includes instruction, room and board, counselor supervision and transportation to evening activities.
Camp information and registration are available online at www.uwgb.edu/camps/science/rocketry.
Information also is available by telephone at (920) 465-2775 or (800) 621-2313.