UW-Green Bay Jazz Ensemble concert features Nothing But Swing Trio
The UW-Green Bay Music program will spotlight student Jazz Ensemble I and the visiting professionals of the Nothing But Swing Trio in a public concert at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 11, in the University Theatre in Theatre Hall.
Nothing But Swing is a jazz trio from Slovakia. Band members are Klaudius Kováč, piano; Róbert Ragan, double-bass; and Peter Solárik, drums.
Wednesday’s concert begins with music by UW-Green Bay’s top student group, Jazz Ensemble I under the direction of Associate Prof. John Salerno. “It’s Just Talk” by Pat Metheny will feature Matt Hillman on guitar. Next up are “Dreamin’ Out Loud” and “La Llama Azul” by Bob Washut. The ensemble will finish its portion of the program with “Spain” arranged by Gene Gjesvold. The visiting trio will join Jazz Ensemble I on that final selection.
Following the break, Nothing But Swing Trio will perform with selections announced from stage.
Nothing But Swing Trio has existed in its current configuration since its founding in 1998 in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia. Members performed previously in the jazz band Swing Q led by noted European saxophonist Štefan Čeman. Nothing But Swing follows the musical heritage of significant American jazz musicians of the 20th century, such as Lester Young, Bud Powell and Charlie Parker, while drawing upon influences ranging from classical music and ethnic folk to modern jazz. These influences are reflected in their own original compositions and their arrangements of existing compositions and jazz standards.
Tickets for the concert are $7 for adults and $5 for students and seniors (please call 920-465-2400 or visit www.uwgb.edu/tickets). The venue box office will also be open 90 minutes prior to the performance. Visit www.uwgb.edu/music for more information. UW-Green Bay is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Music.
UW-Green Bay Jazz I Ensemble personnel are as follows: Saxophone: McKenna VanderLeest, Alex Munson, Kelton Jennings, Kyle Hendrickson, Rebekah Erdmann; Trumpet: Ryan Loning, Chase Collins, Gatlin Grimm, Em Elman, James Block; Trombone: Cam Collins, Nathan Marhefke, Joe Russett, Alec Haase; Guitar: Matt Hillman; Bass: Gillian Evanoff; Piano: Kyle Sweeney; Drums: Bobby Magers, Isaiah Hernandez