Students, Faculty Honored at the First Gen Student Impact Awards

Smiles and celebration were at the forefront of the second annual First-Gen Impact Awards event, held on Thursday, November 7, 2024. First-generation students are resilient problem solvers, navigating higher education without a parental model or roadmap. UW-Green Bay continuously works to improve the outcomes and experiences of first-generation college students. The First Gen Impact Awards ceremony is held each fall to recognize first-generation students and celebrate faculty/staff/student innovations and achievements which lead to first generation college student success.
Speaker Gail Sims-Aubert, assistant chancellor of Student Affairs shared her experiences as a First Generation college student, noting that support comes in all shapes and sizes. “We need to be proud of our journey.” Sam Schueller, First-Gen student, Peer Mentor and Student Ambassador encouraged those students in attendance to get involved and find creative solutions to challenges, knowing that others are experiencing the same struggles. “I’m proud to be a First-Gen Phoenix,” she said.
Finally First-Gen Alumnus and First Gen LLC Faculty, Professor Lisa Lamson inspired the crowd with her words and witty sense of humor, sharing ways that First-Gen students (and all students!) can honor themselves and each other by working hard and taking care of themselves in many ways, including “…strategic energy management.” (A nap!) “You have permission to innovate,” said Lamson. “You are a revolution.”
The First Gen Student Success Collaborative (steering committee for First Gen Forward) and First Gen Phoenix (student organization) hosted the First Gen Impact Awards event on National First-Generation College Student Celebration Day. The purpose of the event was to recognize faculty, staff, students and programs that are innovating to make a positive impact on the lives and academic success of our first-generation college students. Nominations were made for four awards and winners were selected by a committee comprised of students and staff.
Awards were given at the event in the following categories.
New Student First-Gen Impact Award – Moises Bahena-Martinez
This award recognizes an exceptional new student who has pursued and met ambitious goals and/or made notable achievements during their first year, demonstrated commitment to academic excellence, and created pathways for or inspired other first-generation students to also excel at UW Green Bay.
Student Leader First-Gen Impact Award – Kaylee Mueller
This award recognizes a student leader who has pursued and met ambitious personal and professional goals while demonstrating a commitment to academic excellence and campus engagement during their time at UW Green Bay. Serving as a model for their peers, this student has participated in formal or informal mentoring opportunities for others. This student, no matter what obstacles they’ve faced, has made a lasting impact on their mentees, peers, and campus community.
Outstanding First-Gen Advocacy Impact Award (Faculty, Staff & Admin) – Nicole Micolichek and Bethany Welch
The award recognizes outstanding leadership, advocacy, and contributions of faculty, staff, and administrators in promoting an inclusive and welcoming climate that promotes first-gen student support, persistence and success at UW-Green Bay. Award winners have developed or enhanced an innovative first-gen serving program, served as a mentor to first-gen students or developed training and professional development to enhance service to first-gen students.
Outstanding First-Gen Serving Program Impact Award – GB Welcome
This award recognizes innovative initiatives that relate to programs, courses or services supporting first-generation students. Recognizing and fulfilling a critical need for first-gen students, the recipient of this award has garnered institutional support and cross-campus collaborations with the intention of closing the achievement gap for first-generation students.
Congratulations to all of the nominees and thank you to everyone who attended this event. Questions about this event or other first-generation initiatives can be sent to
View all the photos from the event here.