UW-Green Bay faculty to present at Wisconsin Rural Health forum

On November 11 from 2-3 p.m. the Mead Public Library, Sheboygan is hosting a Wisconsin Rural Health Outreach Forum for the community. Amanda Hartlaub, current student in the College of Science, Engineering and Technology and area resident, has been the driver of this exciting opportunity.
Speakers include:
- Prof. Brian Merkel, addressing Infectious Disease, Immunology
- Prof. James Kabrhel, addressing Information Literacy
- Prof. Deb Pearson, addressing Nutrition
- Tony Robniak, UW-Madison Medical Student, Wisconsin Academy for Rural Medicine (WARM) Program addressing Mental Health.
Each panelist will introduce themselves and their background as it relates to the focus of the forum. A significant block of the hour will be dedicated to engaging with the community and addressing questions they may have.