Nonprofit Education & Development Network

Dedicated to Nonprofits
Committed to sharpening the abilities of nonprofit leaders.
We are excited to partner with Steve Zimmerman for an upcoming training opportunity for nonprofit organizations! Watch the conversation between Steve and Dr. Lora Warner on LinkedIn.
Upcoming Networking Opportunities
Join us for nonprofit leader conversations on Zoom. We learn from a featured nonprofit leader and exchange ideas.
November 3
9-10 a.m.
Consultant Bridget O’Connor, Principal of O’Connor Connective, will discuss developing your organization’s communication and messaging strategy. Which platforms should be used?
November 17
9-10 a.m.
Andrea Elliot, Nonprofit Recruiting Manager of Delaware-North Sportservice (Lambeau Field and Wisconsin Expo Center), will share some new ideas about making efficient and effective use of your valuable volunteers.
December 1
9-10 a.m.
Nancy Heykes, Principal of On Point Consulting, will be on the call to consider common legal and ethical concerns of nonprofit organizations. While you will not get individual legal advice, you can discuss issues of concern.
Strengthening Your Business Model & Revenue Strategy
Thursday, October 27
9:30 a.m.-4 pm.
Tundra Lodge Resort & Conference Center, Green Bay
If there is anything the pandemic showed, it is that the world changes quickly. For nonprofits to remain sustainable, they must be able to quickly respond to the changing economic environment and the needs of the communities they serve. To do so, they need a deep understanding of how their programs work together to create impact and financial viability.
Instructor: Steve Zimmerman, a nationally celebrated consultant