Livability ranks Green Bay in top place to live released a data-driven list of the top places to live in America in 2020, focusing on safety, affordability, economic stability, outdoor recreation, accessibility and community engagement as well as an “opportunity score” based on variables like job numbers, broadband access, economic resilience and growth. Green Bay ranked 40th. Here is a bit of what is said about Green Bay:

“There’s no severing the tie between Green Bay and the Packers, but thanks to its strategic location on Green Bay and the Fox River, Green Bay is way more than just a football team. An important shipping hub, the city had the state’s largest job growth in recent years which has meant income growth in the region, as well. Low-key and a lot of fun, Green Bay is a small city with a big heart.

Top Industries and Employers: Shipping (by water and by ground) is still an important part of the economy here. Manufacturing, particularly in the paper industry, employs 20% of the county’s residents. Tourism and the Green Bay Packers are a big source of income and job opportunities here, as well.

See the full list.