City Council meets on campus

UW-Green Bay graduates and city council members (from left) Chris Wery, Guy Zima and Anthony Theisen pose prior to the Oct. 20 council meeting on campus.
It was business as usual for the Green Bay City Council, but in an unusual setting — the University Union on the UW-Green Bay campus. In brief opening remarks, UW-Green Bay Chancellor Thomas K. Harden welcomed city leaders to the campus. Among the 12 members of the council are three UW-Green Bay graduates: Guy Zima (’75 Humanism and Cultural Change), Anthony Theisen (’75 Science and Environmental Change), and Council President Chris Wery (’93 Human Development). Also serving on the city council is Dan Piton, who attended UW-Green Bay, and Celestine Jeffreys, who is married to Derek Jeffreys, associate professor of Humanistic Studies. The meeting on campus, scheduled by Mayor Jim Schmitt as an on-the-road initiative to get the council out into the community, gave student government leaders and campus residents a chance to see local democracy in action. To read the story and link to a photo gallery from the event, click here.