Learn more about The Nourish Model: applying farm-to-table principles & ideas to the healthcare world

Don’t miss the next session in the Holistic Well-Being Speaker Series from UW-Green Bay’s Nutrition and Integrated Health program – an in-person and interactive session in the STEM Center Foyer on Friday, October 14, from 10-11:15 a.m. The session is free. We only ask that you register in advance as space is limited.
The Nourish Model
Applying Farm-to-Table Principles & Ideas to the Healthcare World
Friday, October 14
10-11:15 a.m.
STEM Center Foyer, UW-Green Bay
Farm-to-table is associated with expensive meals that are served at high class restaurants and dinner parties.
However, it doesn’t have to have that stereotype.
During this presentation, Nourish chef and registered dietician will discuss how farm-to-table principles and ideas can be applied in the healthcare world to benefit both patients, clients and the community around them.
Takeaways will include:
• Understand the entire cycle of food and how steps in that process affect the nutritional content of the food
• Gain knowledge and ideas of how to make simple nourishing meals
• Understand how farm-to-table principles can be used in the healthcare industry for health promotion and disease prevention
• Have the ability to find local farms and CSA’s