Update on grant opportunities… including Arts and Humanities options
The Office of Grants and Research is actively seeking grant funding opportunities that both support the priorities established by Federal agencies and assist members of the UW-Green Bay community in pursuing research and program interests. As promised, OG&R is providing a link on its website and a list of funding announcements that match broad federal priorities (STEM, Education, and Energy). This list will continue to be updated on a bi-weekly basis. Additionally, if you have a specific field of interest and would like assistance in determining potential funding sources, contact OG&R and individual searches can be accomplished using keywords provided by potential PIs.
This week’s focus is on non-federal federal opportunities that include several specific to the Arts and Humanities. www.uwgb.edu/research/funding/opportunities.asp
See more information on upcoming funding opportunities searchable by field.
PS: More on Grants & Research services
Along with the funding opportunity notices above, the Office of Grants & Research website has links to searchable databases — www.uwgb.edu/research/funding/databases.asp. If further assistance in navigating any one of these sites is needed, drop an email to the OG&R and they will help. A quick source to find funding focused on broad subject areas is available at /www.grantadvisor.com/tgaplus/ and offers opportunities with deadlines that occur within the next 3 months, with each month publication. Please be aware that unfortunately certain funding agencies may not be available due to the shutdown of many of the federal offices.
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Plus tutorials and budget-development info, too:
The OG&R website also has the following tools available for your reference: proposal writing tutorial www.uwgb.edu/research/developing/writing.asp; budget development information and tool (.xls) to build you single or multi-year grant budgets www.uwgb.edu/research/developing/budget.asp along with fringe benefit and indirect cost rate information included as well as the supporting documents required by many sponsors. Sample budget, template and sample budget narrative is also available on the websites, if you need something different, just ask!
The OG&R staff can also look up salary information for you, along with travel reimbursement rates and other general information you may need to build your grant/project budget. Other proposal development tools are available as well. If you don’t find the one you need, just ask for assistance, it’s a complex process different for each field and sponsor The OG&R is your resource to help navigate you to proposal submission — www.uwgb.edu/research.