Measuring our success: Slideshow of challenge-gift celebration
The success of an all-out push to increase the number of scholarships available to students at UW-Green Bay over the past 18 months was the reason for a celebration at the Weidner Center Sept. 26.
Challenge gifts in the amount of $500,000 by the L.G. Wood Foundation, $250,000 by the Green Bay Packers Foundation and a seven-figure donation by an anonymous donor prompted cumulative matching donations by dozens of University alumni and community supporters. The reception celebrated that generosity by bringing together some of those donors and the scholarship recipients.
Speakers included Chancellor Gary L. Miller, Packers President Mark Murphy, Assistant Chancellor for Advancement Jeanne Stangel, alumna and donor Diane Ford, and student scholarship recipient Eva Cruz-Martinez. Photos by campus photographer Eric Miller and photo intern Samantha Zingsheim.