Welcome Home to Cort Condon Hall!

Gerald C. "Cort" Condon speaks to the standing room only crowd at the dedication of Cort Condon Hall. The event was held on the UW-Green Bay campus on Tuesday, September 10, 2024. Photos courtesy of Dan Moore, University Photographer.

On a sunny day, amidst a standing-room only crowd, the newest residence hall on the Green Bay campus was dedicated, honoring its namesake, Gerald C. “Cort” Condon, the chairman of the University and Village Housing, Inc. (UVHI) Board of Directors. He was humbled to be a part of the project, “I’m deeply honored that the University has named this building after me,” said Condon. “This building represents that ‘where there’s a will, there’s a way.’ I’m thankful for all who were involved in this project. Now, let’s keep going!”

Condon was instrumental in the design and building of the $38 million privately funded project planned to specifically serve the students of UW-Green Bay. The addition of Cort Condon Hall follows years of growth in enrollment and academic and extra-curricular offerings at UW-Green Bay. This latest campus expansion is UW-Green Bay’s largest and first new residence hall in more than 12 years.

Home to 200 students, Cort Condon Hall was specially designed for second-year students to increase social and cultural opportunities, foster common-interest learning communities and support degree attainment. It offers both two-person and four-person shared bedroom apartments with an array of shared collaboration and recreation spaces.

View photos of the new residence hall move-in and the dedication ceremony here: Cort Condon Hall Dedication and Move-In | Flickr

Cort Condon Hall is the latest strategic investment in UW-Green Bay’s on-campus housing to enhance the educational and community experience at every stage of a student’s university journey. In recent years, there has been intentional financial investment to update and renovate many campus housing buildings. The new residence hall will offer students the opportunity to live in housing with the newest technology, student furnishings, and sustainable facility upgrades.

The full news release about the event can be found here.

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