SBDC a partner in June 3 peer-to-peer demo event
The Wisconsin Small Business Development Center at UW-Green Bay is partnering with the NWTC Entrepreneur Resource Center to present a peer learning demonstration event Tuesday, June 3. The PeerSpectives® roundtable demonstration is a trial session, slated for 7-9:30 a.m., designed to immerse participants in the peer-to-peer roundtable process. The roundtables enhance leadership abilities and improve decision-making for leaders, rather than leaving business owners and entrepreneurs to make decisions — and often take unnecessary risks — in isolation. During the June 3 session, held at NWTC, participants will be immersed in the roundtable process, gaining a deeper understanding of how these confidential and highly focused meetings can help individuals confront their most urgent and important business challenges. Ryan Kauth, director of the SBDC at UW-Green Bay, is a certified PeerSpectives® facilitator. He co-facilitates a Chief Financial Officer roundtable and a small business owners roundtable in conjunction with the Sheboygan County Chamber of Commerce. For more.