Spring recap: Faculty members share Grants in Aid of Research
With financial support of the Provost Office, the UW-Green Bay Research Council awarded $8,061 this spring under the Grants in Aid of Research Program. The grants funded an impressive list of research projects and travel by faculty members to present their scholarly works.
Prof. Kimberly Baker received support for “Assessing the Impact of Dietary Agents on Human Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation”; Prof. Caroline Boswell received support for travel to London as part of an Office of International Education project and research on her book manuscript, “Locating Dissent: Power and Resistance in Interregnum England”; Prof. Peter Breznay won support for attending a conference in Stockholm to present “Artificial Consciousness: A Computational Approach To Understanding Consciousness”; Prof. Atife Caglar was invited to attend a conference to present and organize a session on “Navier-Stokes Alpha Model of Incompressible Fluid Turbulence” at the western section meeting of the American Mathematical Society in Las Vegas; Prof. Catherine Henze was admitted to the highly competitive “Workshop on Publishing at the Shakespeare Association Meeting” with an opportunity to collect feedback from notable scholars; Prof. Pao Lor was to present his research, “Hmong Leadership for 21st Century,” at the Hmong National Development Conference in Minnesota; Prof. Sarah Meredith Livingston was invited to visit the campus of the Universidade de Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil, and participate in a concert; Prof. Amanda Nelson will be busy on campus this summer, involved in her “Pilot Study: Effects of Exercise Training on Dendritic Morphology in the Cardiorespiratory and Locomotor Centers of the Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat”; Prof. Christina Ortiz received support to present her research, “Genre and Gender Interactions in Contemporary Argentinean Romantic Comedy,” at a conference in Portland; Prof. Uwe Pott continues his investigations, “How Much Heartworm Prophylaxis Is Enough?” in the best interest of man’s best friend; Prof. Alma Rodriguez Estrada will be extracting DNA from soil samples for her project, “Arbuscular Mycorrhizae (AM) in Secondary Succession”; Prof. Gabriel Saxton–Ruiz earned grant support to fly to Buenos Aires to interview officials for his research project, “Public Art and Memory in Latin America”; Prof. Heidi Sherman is travelling to Russia this summer to visit archeological excavation sites for her research, “Flax to Linen in Medieval Novgorod”; Prof. Alison Stehlik will be making plaster casts for her work, Ornamental Bodies, with the goal of exhibiting her work this Fall; Prof. Brian Vescio received a grant to present his research, “On Parallax and False Guidance in Things Past: Valéry and the Uses of History in Blood Meridian” in San Antonio at the 25th Anniversary Conference on Blood Meridan; Prof. Jill White will continue her research, “Identity Among Jordanian Youth: A Pilot Study,” associated with a travel course with Prof. Heidi Sherman; Prof. Amy Wolf will continue her field work and pollinator research in the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest; and Prof. Jennifer Zapf was funded to attend and present at the Biennial Meeting of the Society of Research in Child Development.