Student Affairs transition for Amenson-Hill, Stearney

The Provost’s Office has announced that Mike Stearney and Brenda Amenson-Hill will take on new interim leadership roles when Sue Keihn retires at the end of July. Amenson-Hill will serve as the interim dean of students. Stearney will serve as the interim dean of enrollment services. Most of the Student Services directors and departments will continue working within the same organization structure as currently exists. “Brenda and Mike will work together to manage Student Affairs during the transition of new senior campus leadership,” Interim Provost William Laatsch told staff. “I am confident that the talent, leadership, and experience that Brenda and Mike bring to their roles will continue to provide excellent student affairs services and programs to UW-Green Bay.”

Primary duties for Interim Dean of Students Brenda Amenson-Hill will include leadership and oversight for Counseling and Health, Student Life, Residence Life, Judicial Affairs, the Student Affairs webmaster and the American Intercultural Center. She will also continue her co-director work with FOCUS-“First-Year Experience” and the Student Government Association Executive Board. In addition, she will assume responsibility for emergency response training and readiness, budget and personnel, serve as a liaison to UW-System and other campus administrators and represent the Student Affairs division at administrative meetings, Cabinet meetings, and other public events.

For Interim Dean of Enrollment Services Mike Stearney, primary duties will include leadership and oversight for Admissions, Career Services, Financial Aid, Registrar, Academic Advising, Disability Services, the Student Services Center, Academic Support Services, and Pre-College programs. Stearney will also oversee the division budgets and personnel matters and he, too, will be a liaison to UW-System and other campus administrators and represent the Student Affairs division at meetings and events.