‘Outstanding’ grad to receive graduate assistantship

There’s more to Jeff Cook, the summa cum laude triple major (Environmental Policy and Planning, Political Science, and Public Administration) than being the winner of the Alumni Association’s Outstanding Student Award for May 2011. In our news release yesterday, we could also have mentioned that Cook will receive one of the two Barbara Hauxhurst Cofrin Graduate Research Assistantships in the Environmental Science and Policy Graduate Program for the 2011-2012 academic year. The assistantship will support his thesis research on national climate-change policies and regulations.  His graduated research is being conducted with Profs. Sara Rinfret, Denise Scheberle and Scott Furlong of PEA and ES&P.

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The second student to be awarded a Hauxhurst Cofrin research assistantship is Adam von Haden, who will conduct his work with major professor Matt Dornbush.  Von Haden is also one of the first students to advance through the “integrated” program that facilitates the ability of outstanding UW-Green Bay undergrads to seamlessly complete a master’s in Environmental Science and Policy.

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