Publicity for fall 2015 launch of new master’s in data science
UW-Extension is getting some media attention with its news release announcing the launch of a new, 12-course, 36-credit online master’s degree in the fast-growing field of data science. It’s a collaboration involving Extension and the four-year UW campuses in Green Bay, Eau Claire, La Crosse, Oshkosh, Stevens Point and Superior. (UW-Green Bay’s share of the curriculum offerings will be two courses. Rajeev Bukralia expects to go live this fall with Foundations of Data Science, and Gaurav Bansal of Business Administration is planning a spring 2016 course in data analysis.) The major is expecting approval from the Higher Learning Commission. UW Extension Dean David Schejbal anticipates high demand: “In Wisconsin and across the country, employers in most industries are in great need of skilled professionals with the ability to transform big data into actionable insights.” For more, see the release.