Habitat for Humanity plans Shanty Town 2009
If you see students promoting “Shanty Town 2009” over the next week or two, consider lending your support. They’re raising money and awareness to help the homeless. A centerpiece event will be Friday-Saturday, April 24-25, at the basketball courts near the Hendrickson Community Center at Residence Life. Participants will be constructing “shanties” out of cardboard and duct tape and sleeping in them overnight. Dinner is at 6:30 Friday night with a guest speaker at 7 p.m. The fee is $6 per individual, $10 for a team of two to four, and $15 for a group of five or more. The student Habitat for Humanity chapter invites all members of the campus community to support this activity and their drive to raise as much as $12,500 to sponsor a house build in the Green Bay area next year. A contact for more info is Cassie Johnson, chapter president, at JohnCJ30@uwgb.edu