Reminder: Balkan Women sendoff show is Jan. 5 in UT

There’s a bonus performance of The Balkan Women at 7:30 p.m. Monday (Jan. 5) in the University Theatre. Tickets are $20 at the door. It’s a combination sendoff, final tune-up and fundraiser as the UW-Green Bay Theatre Program takes the play to perform at the American College Theatre Festival Region III in Saginaw, Mich., next week, with the possibility of advancing to nationals. Read the original news release.


Monday’s show also offers theatregoers another opportunity to appreciate the work of three student actors selected to compete in the festival’s Irene Ryan Acting Scholarship Competition. Derek Knabenbauer, a junior, plays Herak; senior Suzi Lindner is Amina; and junior Josh Weishaar is Vlaco. Student lighting designer April Smet, a senior, will compete in a design competition.