Your guide to Unhinged at Weidner, igNight Market’s ‘kissing cousin’ | Green Bay Press-Gazette

What is Unhinged? That’s not an easy answer. Immersive Weidner experience promises ‘I-can’t-believe-this-is-happening moments.’
GREEN BAY – Ask Martha M what Unhinged is and you get an answer that leaves you wanting more, which is the whole idea.
“It is a celebration of the creative culture in northeast Wisconsin and an amazing total sensory immersion artistic experience.”
That’s a mouthful.
As project coordinator for the two-day event Friday and Saturday at The Weidner, Martha M is particularly good at the art of the tease when it comes to piquing interest.
Anybody who attended the inaugural Unhinged at Old Fort Square in downtown Green Bay’s Broadway District in 2018 is in the know when it comes to founder and executive director Kent Hutchison’s vision for pushing the boundaries in the world of art and its disciplines.
Anybody who has ever gone to the Weidner for a traditional touring show with a reserved seat ticket, sat passively and watched and assumes this will be a similar night out, not even close.
“This will be one of those experiences where the next morning as you’re having coffee with someone who wasn’t there, you’re going to have trouble describing what you experienced the night before,” Martha M said.
OK, we’re definitely intrigued. Let’s explore.
When and where is it?
7-10 p.m. Friday and Saturday at The Weidner, the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay performing arts center at 2420 Nicolet Drive.
Source: Your guide to Unhinged at Weidner, igNight Market’s ‘kissing cousin’ | Green Bay Press-Gazette