In the news: Stearney explains seg fees for Press-Gazette story

Dean of Enrollment Services Mike Stearney did a great job explaining the intricacies of student segregated fees for a story in Monday’s (July 16) Green Bay Press-Gazette. The story explored why UW-Green Bay has long been on the high side of UW System schools in terms of annual student activity fees (although not tuition). Economies of scale play a part — larger UW campuses spread fixed costs across a greater number of students — and Green Bay students have voted to fund major projects including University Union expansion and the Kress Events Center. “The use of fees is governed by UW System policy, regent policy and campus policy,” Stearney told the newspaper. “Students are very, very involved. A way I sometimes like to describe it is a student-approved tax. It’s the things students want outside of academics, things that enhance the campus a lot. There are certain things that, (because of) statute and policy, we simply cannot do with tuition money, for instance, we can’t build a union.” Full story.

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