What’s going to happen with the UWGB – Marinette Campus | Bay Cities Radio

Marinette County Administrator John Lefebvre gave a myriad of updates at yesterday’s Monthly County Board meeting. However, the one that everyone is concerned the most about is what is going to happen to the UWGB – Marinette Campus. Lefebvre says, “I’ve received a number of emails between myself, Rebecca, Marni, and the Vice Chancellor of UWGB to start putting together a lease for that period of time after June 30th, 2024.”

Lefebvre says, “it is my intent at the April Infrastructure committee meeting that I’ll be asking the committee to recommend to the County Board to approve transferring the ownership of the UWGB – Marinette Campus to the City of Marinette.”

At the April Infrastructure committee meeting Lefebvre intends to ask the committee to approve the transfer of the UWGB – Marinette Campus to the City of Marinette and start having the discussion about that to see if there is any action the County Board wishes to take on it. The next Marinette County Board meeting takes place at the Marinette County Courthouse on April 16th at 9am.

Source: What’s going to happen with the UWGB – Marinette Campus | Bay Cities Radio

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