Solving the water related challenges of today and tomorrow – The New Business Review: Place & Purpose

In Wisconsin, we are fortunate to have access to plentiful freshwater resources. To protect this water, it has become a priority to protect this water as new opportunities arise. In Solving The Water Related Challenges of Today and Tomorrow, a team of contributors (including University of Wisconsin Green Bay faculty) describe the necessity of preserving water sources across the world. The piece compares a more international perspective on the Panamá Canal, to that of similar dangers approaching in the midwest. Hope is provided by research conducted by UW-Green Bay faculty research, in addition to the designation of the bay of Green Bay as a National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR) – the largest freshwater estuary.

To read the full piece, view pages 27-30 at the link below.

Source: Solving the water related challenges of today and tomorrow

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