Debut: E-giving to UW-Green Bay Foundation

Here’s another milestone in the launch of the UW-Green Bay Foundation, Inc.:  Donors who formerly had to access the UW-Madison foundation site to direct their philanthropy toward Green Bay now enjoy an easy, direct (and secure) connection to UW-Green Bay. Visitors to who click the “Give Online” button will find a simple, short and straight-forward form that also includes a pull-down list of giving options. The site accepts Visa and MasterCard.

Honor of being first online goes to Sandmires, donors since 1969
Every autumn for 42 years, Dr. Herbert and Crystal Sandmire have written a check in support of their hometown university. Not this year. This time, the couple dispensed with the check-writing ritual and, in doing so, opened a new era for UW-Green Bay and its current and future supporters.

Dr. Herbert and Crystal SandmireOn Aug. 17, the Sandmires tapped out a few words, names and numbers at the computer keyboard at their Allouez home, clicked the “Make Donation” button and became the very first online donors to forward a gift directly to the newly formed University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Foundation, Inc. There’s a nice photograph and story about their devotion to this University, click here.

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